No plageurism (copying)
No using currently existing houses or mascots, though you may use any colors
No calling other peoples ideas stupid (Unless I tell you to)
And no touch'n of the historical artifacts!
Gather 'round forces of evil!!! Umbridge is GONE! Now the time is ripe for the taking! RIISSSEEE!!!! RIIIISSSSSEEE UP! No chosen one can stop me now! I am Invincible!!!! Hahahahahahahaaaa!!!!
I bet Luna will be the first person besides me!
I love to see you wrong, Tom Riddle! No Luna...just me! Remember, respect your elders! Just had to come in and say hi. I didn't like the way I was treated last time...getting stupefied and everything so I'm giving you another chance.
I call my house Inquisitormania!
The colors are light pink and a slightly darker pink!
The mascot is a cute little kitten!
Sorry, sorry. You guys always predict wrong, I can't do this. Whew it's hard to live up to such expectations.
Anyway my house is called Quibblerio!
Colors are light blue and silver.
My house's mascot is a Crumple-Horned Snorcack! Woohoo! Or a Blibbering Humdinger when the other mascot is not available.
My house is Eldermess. We love to sit around in LaZBoys and watch The Price is Right, as we play bridge in the common room. Our house colors are beige and gray. We are too old to worry about colorful decor. Our candy bowls are always filled with lemon drops, so come in for a visit. Our password is "Darn those socks!" (Darn as in mend...ask your grandmas...)
Okay., I wouldn't exactly have a would be more like a shoe with so many children....
Our "house" would be called Busybodies and our color is red, definitely RED. Our mascot? A scarlet-bellied freckled weasel! The Fred and George's room is in the toe, Ron's room is under the tongue. Ginny lives beside the top eyelet so has a panoramic view of the world. Percy lives in the heel and Arthur and I appropriately live in the sole... or should I say "soul" of the shoe. Bill and Charlie live across the street in a boot. It's quite a unique house...lots of fun! Our tongue is always open so come visit!
? This is about Hogwarts houses.... I don't believe there are streets inside of Hogwarts.
Red bellied? I think it should be... MAROON!!!!!! Mua-ha-ha-haa!!!!
My house would be called Hankernay. You'd have to hear the story behind it to understand. It's mascot would be a gray-furred, black striped saber-toothed cat! The house colors would be red and black.
My house would be called FEATHERMANIA!!!!! I really do thing SOME OWLS (Pigewigon) should get a good education. We deserve a house. Not that nasty owlrey. Our colors are white and brown. Our mascot is, no duh, OWL!!!!! But an owl that CHANGES COLORS!!!!! Woopee!!! Our password is Chocolate Frog!
PS- Umbrige-EWWWWWW!
my house would be explodicus.the colors would be gold and silver.the mascot would be bob the stick of dynamite!
Oh, and everyone, make sure to say what qualities your house looks for, like Gryffindor looks for brave and chivalrous people.
Aquidoritine is the name of my house. THe colors are royal blue and scarlet. To get into my house, you'd have to be reasonably educated, kind, witty, quick with a wand, and spend a fraction of a time in the water. That's why my symbol is a dolpin. They're smart, and love water. I don't think Crookshanks would like that house very much..............
also my password is "Tom Riddle will NEVER be in this house".
also my password is "Tom Riddle will NEVER be in this house".
Whos Tom Riddle?
My filthy muggle father.... and sadly myself as well. Hankernay would look for people who always want to be the bad guys, you have to love cats, you have to HATE Umbridge and you must have destroyed a covenant wraith on Halo, Halo 2, AND Halo 3.
I already have a house called SLYTHERIN! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
If I could make one up though, it would be Slytherin with a touch of even more evil! It is Basiliskatopia! The mascot is the Basilisk! HA! Our colors are, DUH, green green green and a little black! Black is even worse than silver! Hahahahaha! Our password is Every Villain Is Lemons, or E.V.I.L.!!! We are looking for mean, cunning, sly evil people!
Our house is looking for brave, kind, slightly deranged people with possibly a good sense of humor. Our password is "I solemnly swear I am crazy!"
Oh, and by Tom Riddle, I meant you O.M.V.
my house would be Beautifulawsomegals!!!!!!!!!! its for the awesome, beautiful girls (and girls ONLY!) that can naturally charm others, but are at the same time witty. our colors are silvery blue, hot pink, and, for the awesome craziness, neon orange. our password is "I solemly swear that i LOATHE O.M.V and that beauty=success!!!!!!
I've invented another house on behalf of Dobby the dead elf (sob) called Potterox. The colors are white and gray and the mascot is a sock named (who else) Harry. We are looking for people who adore S.P.E.W., Harry Potter, and socks. The password is "HITAADYFG!" Which means "harry is totally awesome and don't you forget it!"
It would actually be "HITAADYFI!"
I am in the house of Hankernay!
Trevor, Crookshanks, and Pigwidgeon have just informed me that there is a house for Hogwarts animals (?!?!) called Magicphyla. The mascot is a river otter called Hairy Otter. The animals in the house have to be EXTREMELY smart and have some kind of magical connections. They also have to be animals of action. The colors are black and white, what is better than a classic? The password is "Animals are people too!" The animals love to sit around eating people food and planning conspiracies against the humans. The only way a wizard or witch can come in is if they are an Animagus. That will be all.
I would like to join the blog, if that is ok with you. If I'm allowed to join, I'd like to be Crookshanks,
or any other character that's free.
I hope you'll allow me on the blog.
I go to Galactic, and I take the Harry Potter class. I am on the third book. I'm in 4th grade.
I was wandering if I could do: Dobby, Scabbers, or Nearly Headless Nick.... See, I go to GALACTIC and take Harry Potter class with Emma.
(a.k.a. Mickey)
Mickey Mouse,I was glad to see your post.I hope Voldemort answers soon.For now on I`m going to sign Crookshanks,forsafty.
I coudn`t over hear about all the houses .I`d like to post my house.My house would be called Hippoclaw.My password is Buckbeak.My masscott is a blueish gray hippogriff.You have to Hate Mouthfoy,not be airsick,and you have to love Harry Potter,and have to be respectful to Hippogriffs. your writer Crookshanks P.S You also have to love Hagid and flying.
My house is named Crustaceana. Its colors are red red red and a little more red...and teal blue. Its mascot is a really big shrimp named C. Foode, or a dancing lobster named Amanda when the other has been eaten by a boy named Josh Peck. Its password is, "DOWN WITH RED LOBSTER BISTRO!" We are looking for friendly members of the Crustacean family or people who love the ocean and hate to eat seafood.
P.S. I am Loony's alter ego.
Sorry, I dissapeared for a couple months there... but of course you can join!
Hey Its Crookshanks! I sort of changed my mind on my house It`s called catopion. The password is,and don`t tell ron this"I hate rats" They are dirty creatures! the only reson I would even dare to eat one is if only I needed to. The onky reson I chased him is because I knew he was a worker of the dark lord.Oh by the way all magical creatures are allowed(exept rats of coarse) and also wizards and witches og and and a acational animagus.The mascot is a ginger cat.The colors are ginger and scarlet. I have to go.,bye Crookshanks
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