Thursday, July 16, 2009

Bellatrix Le'strange

  After seeing the latest Harry Pot-head movie, a thought suddenly came to me. As Bellatrix was running through the Weasley's fields, laughing like the nut-case we ALL know she is, I realized that, well :You gotta' love that crazy witch. All that agree with me, say so! And NO, I don't mean love love, I mean she's a loveable character.... Sorta..... yeah..... I don't know anymore. Just Write people!


Voldemort said...

Well, since no one's here yet, bye, see 'ya tomorrow... or not if my deatheaters or I kill you. Then your just darn unlucky!

Puck said...

If you haven't noticed Voldy who stole the show in this movie? ME! I mean who got all these quotes?

McGonagall:Mr. Potter can you take Mr. Weasley with you he's having to much fun

Who drinks a love potion and then gets drunk from it? ME!

And who wasn't even in that movie? U

Voldemort said...

That's not what what this post is about.

*McGonagall enters* Stay on topic Mr. Weasley! Ten points from Griffindor!

Voldemort said...

And to the two young people who wish to join the deatheaters, of course you can join! I need more members all the time! (Especially since the ones that I send on missions die so often...)

Luna Lovegood said...

Yeah I loved it when you were all "Isn't the moon beyooooootiful tonight?" hehehe and Harry was so hyper when he took the Felix Felicis.

Luna Lovegood said...

Ron, I mean. Not Voldy. I don't think Voldy's ever looked at the moon and called it beyooooootiful.

By the way, Luna had a pretty big part in the movie too!

HARRY: How did you find me?
ME: Wrackspurts...your head's full of them.

And I looked AWESOME in that silver dress I wore to Sluggie's par-tay.

Hermione Granger said...
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Hermione Granger said...

But my attack on Ron with the birds was like, the whole movie! And my fight with Lavender Brown in the Hospital Wing, i mean c'mon! And what about the end of the movie? I got to call Harry Potter thick! Not J.C., but Hermione.

Hermione Granger said...


Hermione Granger said...


Hermione Granger said...


Hermione Granger said...


Hermione Granger said...


Hermione Granger said...


Hermione Granger said...


Hermione Granger said...


Hermione Granger said...


Hermione Granger said...


Hermione Granger said...


Hermione Granger said...

but im still a good poet

Voldemort said...

Begone foul demon, return from whence ye came!

Voldemort said...

STAY ON TOPIC PEOPLE!!!! DID YOU EVEN READ THE POST?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Voldemort said...

Everyone that came to the movie- and I know you did- why aren't you posting?!?!?!? You are disappointing me, Looney, Ron, and...... well there are others..... maybe! Dumbledore..... I'm shocked you haven't written, you used to be so on top of things. *sigh* I'm so disappointed.

Hermione Granger said...

i'm here! and who are you to call me a demon? Your the one brewed out of a pot! I am an insufferable know-it-all, and don't you forget it!!!!!!!! XP

Hermione Granger said...

and whats with your pic? you look like ur constipated.

Luna Lovegood said...

Yeah that's true, Voldy, you do look a little bit constipated. Either that or like an angry Michael Jackson.

By the way, I think we were just trying to divert ourselves from upsetting you by discussing the topic of YOU and BELLATRIX. I mean, come on, it's OBVIOUS that you two were in loooooove.

Luna Lovegood said...

Oh and also, please visit my blog! Voldy's gotten like 30 comments on this post but yeah I only had 8 on my last one! And 2 on my most recent one! The recent one is about Wizard Rock, by the way. Comment if you wish.

Luna Lovegood said...

Hey Voldy! Since your pic looks like a constipated, bald, angry, Michael Jackson, try this pic on for size:

Hermione Granger said...

Nice pick Luna hahahahahahahaha