Monday, July 27, 2009


For those of you who have not noticed, Hermione, the false Voldemort, has been removed from my blog. Permanently. Until she is purged from potterwatch, I refuse to write their. Know, one and all, that I, the true Lord Voldemort, will no longer be writing there, only the imposter. Goodbye Potterwatch.


Voldemort said...

No one is ever allowed to let her on the blog ever again. Anyone who does will be erased from the blog. Just wanted to let Everyone know.

Hedwig said...

What happened?????
I don't know what's happened. Please explain this to me. HELP ME!

Hedwig said...

Please don't kick me off the blog for just asking........
I won't go on the blog, but........

Voldemort said...

Hermione changed her name and picture to Voldemort and impersonated me. You don't have to worry, unless you let her on my blog, your fine.

Hedwig said...


The Peace Maker said...

Hello. I am the Peace Maker. My identity is a secret, but I am here with a purpose. I am trying to promote peace and love on this blog. I am an outsider, though. I was called in to solve the many issues you all secretly have with each other. For more information, please check out my profile and feel free to email me. :)

The Peace Maker said...

Okay.....I'm taking a new approach. I'm not gonna be so...Dr. Phil-ish. Just check out my blog. :)

Hermione Granger said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i am back! YOU CANNOT KEEP ME AWAY! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHA.

Hermione Granger said...

so there

Hermione Granger said...


Hermione Granger said...

So I really made you give up Potterwatch? You're a bigger drama queen than me. You actually let me drive you away from the social center of all our blogs, and you think you're free? That's just sad Moldy.